FRIENDS OF THE NEWARK FREE LIBRARY BOARD MEETINGS Board meetings are the first Monday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Newark Senior Center while the library is closed. Board meetings are open to the general public. BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION DESCRIPTION PURPOSE: Provide volunteer and financial support to the programs of the Newark Free Library GENERAL ACCOUNTABILITIES: As a member of the Board, you agree to
SPECIAL ACCOUNTABILITIES: As a member of the Board, you agree to accept a responsibility, such as these examples listed below:
| Friends of the Newark Free Library Board 2023-24President: Barbara Jo German Vice President: Sue Peters Corresponding Sec. Katy Ferrero Treasurer: Roberta Sullivan Directors Mae Gaskins Roy Lopata Margie Masino Carol McKelvey Darin Powell Pat Rachek Mark Rusinko Polly Sierer Lynne Wegman Ex Officio: Judy Taggart |